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No, soda has a lot of caffeine in it that can cause a low birth weight or ADHD in your child after its born. If you drink tea, make sure that its decaf for the caffinated teas have the same problem.

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14y ago

Yes they can, but it is advised for any pregnant woman to not consume caffeinated foods or beverages (such as cola or coffee) because of the adverse affects that it can have on the baby and their developing brain, which is highly sensitive to any chemicals that may pass into the child from the mother.

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Q: While prgnant can you drink club soda?
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How can I cure my heartburn using household items?

You can drink some club soda. Or make some soda water with a glass of water and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix it and drink it while its still fizzling.

What kind of soda is in a scotch and soda?

Some people prefer to drink it that way.

Club Penguin cream soda?

Its Rockhoppers favorite drink.

Can I use Perrier instead of Club Soda?

Yes, you can use Perrier instead of club soda in most recipes. Perrier is a carbonated water with natural minerals, while club soda typically has added minerals and a slightly different taste. The substitution may affect the final flavor of your dish or drink, but it should generally work as a sparkling water alternative.

Can you drink pop on your period?

They say that you are not supposed to drink caffiene while your pregnant b/c it can cause low birth weight in your baby, but you can drink de caffinated soda.

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Can i drink citro soda while breastfeeding

Can you drink soda while breastfeeding?

No. Better take soda after feeding your baby, to avoid spillage.

What type of drink is fit for spring?

tyku liqueur mixed with club soda and lemon juice

How do you heal belly ache?

Mix about a tablespoon of baking soda into about 8-12 oz club soda and drink - should settle stomach.

Does a penny get cleaner or dirtier while sitting in a cup of soda?

It gets cleaner because of the weak acid that is in the soda we drink.

What do you drink while on a diet?

Water is the best thing to drink while you're dieting. Soda and all sugary drinks are an absolute no, no. Best of luck.

What soda does Obama drink?

he doesnt drink soda