Canadian waters are the cleanest waters in the world, I have drank from Many of the lakes in north Canada. (Manitoba) they are clean cold and safe. just be mindful of lake anywhere there is industry close.....polution seems to always find its way back to any lake that is close.
canadian club
"Water" is a singular noun. It is usually a non-count noun, meaning that you cannot say "eight waters", for example. You can say, "I drank eight glasses of water". But it can sometimes be used in the plural, e.g. in the traditional phrases "taking the waters" and "breaking of the waters".
Patricia Montgomery Newton has written: 'The frog who drank the waters of the world' -- subject(s): Fiction, Forest animals, Frogs, Water
No. Our Drink. We drank. He drank, she drank, and then we all got drunk.
Had drank
Drank."I drank 4 glasses of water yesterday."
He drank the tea while it was still hot.I thought you drank it all.
montezuma drank cocolate
The word drank does not have a gender
It is ''you drank it all.
Most surface waters were contaminated with raw sewage and people knew drinking this would make them sick (although they did not understand the cause). Wine and beer were OK as the alcohol level killed the microorganisms (although they did not know this either).