monster and Red bull
Red Bull set the standard, but I highly recommend Monster Blue Energy Drink. It's a little healthier. For taste I prefer Red Bull, But for a better energy boost I go for Monster.
Easily redbull or monster.
Drinks that have niacin are coffee, Monster energy drink, Red Bull energy drink, Rockstar energy drink, tea, and powdered chocolate drinks.
Red bull is a mixture. The only drink that is not a mixture is water.
A jagerbomb is an alcoholic drink that contains Red Bull and Jagermeister. When serving the drink a regular glass is filled with Red Bull and then a shot of Jagermeister is dropped into the glass.There are several popular variations of the drink such as a Rockstar Bomb (Red Bull being substituted by Rockstar Energy), Monster Bomb (Red Bull substituted by Monster), or the Chupacabra (Jagermeister is substituted by Tequila).
Its the best drink in the world. You cant stop drinking it. It is the bom yo! its like red bull but better It is better than any energy drink around, i could live off that! Yes it is good but it isnt too good for health !!!! It has taurine inside but it tastes good!!! BUt dont drink a lot !!! 1 time of the week it doesnt matter !!! But everyday a friend of mine died by (moonster,red bull,SHARK,and oter energy drinks) I dont write this to scare you !!! but i think it will help!!! i like monster too but i drink 1 time in the 2 weeks
Red Bull. but cocaine makes it all better.
mix a monster, a red bull, and a rock-star energy drink together, if you want to go crazy, or stay up for 24 hours.
There is no evidence of bull sperm in Monster energy drinks.