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The abomasum, this is the 'true" stomach which is able to easily absorb the number of antibodies from the colostrum and the high amounts of protein. The rumen and remaining stomachs will begin to develop once the calf begins to intake roughages (hay and grains).

To learn more about the development and function of the Rumen, view the attached related link.

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The abomasum.

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The rumen.

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What compartment of a ruminant animal's stomach would you find nails and wires?

The reticulum, which is also called the "hardware" stomach.

Why are poultry and swine collectively called non-ruminant animals?

Poultry and swine are not ruminant animal because their digestive system is different than these types of animals. A ruminant's stomach has four compartments. Likewise, ruminants belong to the suborder Ruminantia. Poultry and swine are monogastrics, or have a single-compartment stomach.

Is a deer a monogastric or ruminant?

Yes, the horse has only one true stomach compartment, but they are actually pseudoruminants because they have an enlarged cecum.

What are the functions of the omasum?

The omasum is the third and smallest compartment of the ruminant stomach. The omasum is responsible for water (and a little nutrient) absorption from the feed that came from the rumen. The many folds found in this stomach chamber increases the surface area so that more liquid and nutrients could be absorbed back into the ruminant's body at a faster more efficient rate.

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Goats are ruminant animals.

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The horse is not a ruminant animal. Horses are actually inefficient at digesting feeds high in fibre, mainly because it gets passed through much quicker and more often than you see with a true ruminant being a cow.

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Yes, an impala is a ruminant

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Are some men ruminant?

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