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Q: Which THREE result from drinking alcohol?
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What are the illness that may result from drinking alcohol?

Excessive drinking can result in alcohol poisoning and liver failure.

How many teens died in the year 2008 from drinking?

No teens died from drinking alcohol in moderation and an unknown number died as a result of abusing alcohol.

Incidental alcohol exposure and ETG testing?

Incidental alcohol exposure (alcohol in hand sanitizer, alcohol in mouthwash, alcohol in medicines, etc.) can cause a false positive result for drinking alcohol.

Drinking alcohol after a tooth extraction?

Drinking alcohol tends to thin the blood temporarily which might result in the socket bleeding. If you are taking pain killers this would also be a contraindication to drinking alcohol. It depends how long it has been since the tooth was extracted but when I had one extracted I had instructions for aftercare to follow for three days so this could be a good guideline for you.

Why does your face go red after drinking alcohol?

That might be a result of drinking too much orit might be Oriental flushing reflex.

Why do you have a fever after drinking alcohol?

Alcohol can cause dehydration and inflammation, which can lead to a fever-like response in the body. This can also be a result of an alcohol intolerance or an immune system reaction to the toxins in alcohol. It's important to stay hydrated and seek medical advice if you frequently experience fevers after drinking alcohol.

how to stop them from drinking alcohol ?

how to stop them from drinking alcohol

What is it called when a child has problems caused by a mother drinking alcohol in pregnancy?

A mother's excessive alcohol use during pregnancy can sometimes result in what is called "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome".

If you kiss your boyfriend while he is drinking can that give a positive result?

No. You wouldn't get enough alcohol in your system to be positive.

What three things does drinking provoke?

Drinking alcohol can provoke altered states of consciousness, impairment of cognitive functions, and changes in behavior.

What do you mean by gone into a stupor?

To have become semi-concious or unconcious - usually as a result of drinking too much alcohol

What is the negative connotation of drinking?

When you say "drinking", it carries the connotation of drinking alcohol, drinking alcohol to excess, and becoming addicted to it.