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Try Twinings Green Tea it's Sencha tea you can find it a Stop and Shop.

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Q: Where do they sell japanese green tea?
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What Japanese soft drinks are there?

bubble tea and green tea are drinks that the Japanese drink

Where can I get japanese green tea?

Japanese green tea is an amazing flavour of tea which can be found in many places. A common retailer are traditional Asian supermarkets. There you can find some very authentic variations of tea. If you don't have access to a supermarket, then some grocery stores may sell a simpler more modern tea. also sells tea, but with online retailers, you can't examine the product.

What is the difference between pure Japanese tea and other tea?

Japanese teas are based on green tea, green and black from the same source but are processed differently and taste very different

What is served at a Japanese tea ceremony?

A powdered green tea called "maccha."

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eggs fish salad and green tea eggs fish salad and green tea eggs fish salad and green tea eggs fish salad and green tea eggs fish salad and green tea

How do you say Green Tea in Japanese?

You can say it ocha

What is the Japanese word for green tea?

緑 Midori

How do I make easy Japanese tea?

Check this link out it gives you a couple different ways to try and brew some Japanese tea.

what is japanese tea composed of?

80% of all green tea consumed by Japanese is sencha tea. It is a high grade of tea that is made by steaming the leaves to stop fermentation and changes in ...

What tea is drunk at Japanese tea ceremony?

Matcha (抹茶). Green Tea in English. Hope this helps you!

Why do they use green tea for a Japan tea ceremony?

It represents calmness and tranquility. The Japanese drink almost exclusively green tea; Japan produces and consumes only small amounts of other types of tea (black tea, white tea, oolong, and Pu-erh). The tea used in the Japanese tea ceremony is not just any type of tea, it is matcha, a special type of powdered green tea.

How do you write 'green tea' in Japanese?

緑茶 - Ryokucha