The song is: "They call me mellow yellow" and refers to Saffron as the same colour
Mello Yellow is spelled like Mello Yellow
Mellow Yellow
The song is: "They call me mellow yellow" and refers to Saffron as the same colour
The song is: "They call me mellow yellow" and refers to Saffron as the same colour
To find the lyrics to the song 'Mellow Yellow' by Donovan, one should try specific lyrics webpages, such as Metro Lyrics. Alternatively, find the lyric video on Youtube.
hello, yellow, meadow,
There are 118 calories in 8 fl oz of the soda pop Mellow Yellow.
Yellow Mellow
* Yellow * Hello * fellowfellow, mellow, cello, hello, marshmallow, jello, yellow
no it doesnt