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Q: When you put ice cubes into a warm glass of lemonade explain how the lemonade gets cold.?
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The temperature of a cold glass of lemonade?

43 If there are ice cubes in the lemonade then 32°F or 0°C

What does the outside of the glass with ice cubes feel like?

It feels like ice , and glass like . · The glass filled with cold water and ice cubes felt cold on the outside as well.

What is the cocktail made from Advocaat and lemonade?

It's called a "Snowball" 1 1/2 oz advocaat liqueur 8 - 10 oz cold lemonade 1 slice lemon ice cubes Place one ice cube in the glass and add 1 1/2 oz of Advocaat. Fill up the glass with lemonade and decorate with a slice of lemon. Serve at once.

Why is it easier to remove the ice cubes from cold lemonade than it is to remove sugar?

Because sugar is a soluble and it was already dissolved in the lemonade. You could evaporate the lemonade and get the sugar then, but you could've easily taken out the ice cubes already because they aren't dissolved yet and are solid still.

How does a glass of lemonade become cold when you put ice on it?

The ice, which is colder than the lemonade, absorbs heat from it as it warms and melts.

Why is it easier to remove ice cubes from cold lemonade than it is to remove from sugar?

Because sugar is a soluble and it was already dissolved in the lemonade. You could evaporate the lemonade and get the sugar then, but you could've easily taken out the ice cubes already because they aren't dissolved yet and are solid still.

What happens when you add ice cubes to a glass of warm juice Explain this in terms of the transfer of heat energy.?

The ice is melted; by diffusion the solution become thermally homogeneous. The transfer of heat is from hot to cold.

How many ice cubes does it take for a drink to be cold?

The number of ice cubes needed to make a drink cold varies depending on the size of the glass, the initial temperature of the drink, and the desired coldness level. Generally, 2-3 ice cubes are enough to cool a drink quickly in a typical 8-12 oz glass.

Which is better for throat hot or cold lemonade?

i think hot lemonade with honey is better than cold lemonade.

What is liquid water turned into water vapor?

It is basically condensed water. A classic example is a cold glass of lemonade, or dew on the grass.

Who invented ice lollies?

It was kind of an accident. Way back in 1923, on a super cold night, a lemonade salesman named Frank Epperson left a spare glass of lemonade with a spoon still in it, on the window sill. The next morning the lemonade had completely frozen and the Ice Lolly was born.

Why are coasters used under glasses filled with cold liquid and ice cubes?

Coasters are used under glasses filled with cold liquid and ice cubes to prevent water condensation from dripping onto surfaces, which can cause damage to furniture. Additionally, coasters can help protect surfaces from scratching or other marks caused by the glass.