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Q: When did coke make santa red?
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Did coke make up Santa?

Coca Cola did not make up Santa Claus, but they were the first to red him in red - to match their brand. Santa was traditionally dressed in green.

Did coke change Santa's green coat to red?

No, of course not!

Was coke orininally green?

yes because santa was green then when he was turned red coca cola turned red

Does sants wear a red suit?

Santa doesn't wear a red suit as the co-co-cola advert made it up as coke is red they wanted Santa's suit to be red too. Santa wears a green suit as st nic is green! By bryonny smyth who live sin wolverhampton

Why did the traditional color of Santa Claus's suit change from green to red?

Santa was first depicted wearing red, by cartoonist Thomas Nast in 1863, but up until the 1950's Santa was normally depicted wearing a green suit, sometimes also brown and white. His suit changed to red after Coca-Cola started running an ad campaign. The artist Haddon Sundblom, who painted him for this ad, dressed him in red to match Coca-Cola's color scheme. After a short time, this became the popular color for Santa's suit and is these days the norm.

What company gave Santa a red suit?

The comany that turned Santa red was Coca Cola in about 1954 and then became more popular in cards and other things.

Does Santa Claus like coca cola zero?

Santa likes any kind of treats left for him.Santa in his red and white suit has been in Cola ads since the 1920's. That is why he wears red and white the colors of Coke Cola. This is no mistake, so yet he would drink any Coke Cola product.

How does santa have something to do with Coca-Cola?

He doesn't. It's all a marketing scheme to make people have those warm feelings of the holidays when they think of coke. It gives coke a more positive vibe when they slap a fat guy in a red coat on a can of water and high-fructose corn syrup.

What does Coca Cola have to do with Santa Claus?

No, but Coco-cola adverts spread and popularized his image image as a jovial, rotund figure clad in red.

What color is the Coke logo on a can of Coke?

Shiny Red

Is Santa really deaD?

Santa is an idea for all of us to follow so he is neither dead or alive. The image we have of Santa in a red and white suit comes to us from the Coke company. They first designed an ad in the 1930's showing Santa dressed that way. They still do it today. If we think about what Santa represents it makes sense.

What popularised the image of santa claus in 1931?

Coca-Cola (The carbonated, highly-sugared drink company) started a campaign (my term, not theirs) depicting Santa with a red suit (it had been depicted previously as green!) drinking Coke, and marketed this jolly red-suited man with a bottle of Coke in hand, in magazines.Magazines, in that time, being much more widely read than they are now, of course.