Google "buffet serial clarinet" and you'll find a number of sites dealing with your identification issue. Good luck!
approximately 1953-1954
1986, IF and only if made in France.
; ; ; Brand : Buffet Crampon ; Instrument : BC1193-2 ; Serial number : 32861 ; Year of manufacturing : 24/09/1999
The serial number of a clarinet is generally located on the back of the upper joint.
Looks like 1977. Go to this site and see --- Or get it direct from the source at: Brand : Buffet Crampon Instrument : R 13 Serial number : 179986 Year of manufacturing : 10/03/1977 NOTE: The Buffet on-line serial number database only contains serial numbers for French-made PROFESSIONAL clarinets. If your Buffet is marked "Made in Germany" this database will NOT work for you and any data it provides will NOT be about your clarinet!
How old is a leblanc clarinet 1669F ? Gary
i dont know you tell me
you can usually find it on the bell and the barrel, sometimes even the ligature that came with it, of your clarinet.
Model, condition?
Insufficient information. Could be a late 40's early 50's Master Model, could be a 1980's E12...could be a number of models! You need to provide more information and some links to pictures.