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It's over 100 years old and just a bit over $3,200.

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Q: What is the value of 50 year old courvoisier brandy in a baccarat decanter worth unopened?
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Related questions

What would you find in a decanter?

Port or brandy.

How did Bonaparte drink brandy?

The Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was known for his sober habits in eating and drinking, but he did drink brandy (cognac) on occasion. His favorite brand was Courvoisier, which today still advertises itself as 'the brandy of Napoleon'.

What is a glass alcohol container that normally contains brandy called?

I believe you're looking for a DECANTER.

What type of alcoholic beverage sells under a brand name similar to carvoisier?

Courvoisier is the brand name of a French cognac. Cognac is a type of brandy, in this case a distillate of particular French white wines.

In Smallville Lex Luthor always used a glass container to hold his brandy Where would someone find glassware like this The top is also glass it simply falls in place to seal it shut Thanks?

Hi there, it is called a 'decanter'. The one Lex uses is a crystal glass decanter and is rather fancy =)

Value of unopened 1945 brandy bottle from Iwo Jima?

Do you have one and what does it look like? Does it have a history of where it came from? Thank You! LF Leonardo

Brandy how long you can keep?

Depending on temperature, location, and if it's been opened, brandy can keep anywhere from 5 years to a lifetime if unopened.

What is the shelf life of unopened brandy?

I am wondering this same thing. Just purcahsed an unopened (and presumably still well-sealed) bottle for $1.50 (half off from $3.00) at an estate sale in a bottle that from the looks of it may be from the 1970s. Will let you know how it turns out if I end up drinking it.

What does brandy mean in German?

brandy = Branntwein brandy = Weinbrand brandy = Kognak brandy = Schnapps

How much brandy equals 1 oz of brandy extract?

4 Tablespoons of brandy equal around 1 oz. of brandy extract. Brandy extract is a higher concentrated from of brandy.

Most expensive brandy?

Probably "Calvados", an apple brandy. Commercial Calvados is not that strong, but the calvados made in the countryside by French farmers is commonly distilled out at 140 proof. After the liberation of France in World War II, the GI's were offered Calvados by the grateful French people. GI's, thinking it no stronger than any other brandy, chugged it - and a lot of problems arose from that, as you can well imagine. The saying among the GI's was that it was made from "ground up grenades".

What is brandy in spanish?
