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Q: What is the most consumed drink after water?
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World's most popular non alcoholic drink?

Water. And the most consumed man-made drink is tea.

What is the world's most popular non alcoholic drink?

Water. And the most consumed man-made drink is tea.

Is coffee second consumed drink next to water?

No. Water is the most widely drunk beverage. Then, after water, TEA is the second most widely drunk beverage.

What is the most consumed alcoholic drink in Australia?


Gallons of water consumed by a family of 4?

It can very but you are SUPPOSED to drink a gallon a day

In which industry most water is consumed?


A glass of water contains billions of water molecules and you drink many thousands of glasses of water in your lifetime so can you drink the same molecule twice?

It is unlikely that you would drink the exact same water molecule twice. Water molecules in the glass mix together and get distributed throughout the body once consumed, so it is improbable that the same molecule would be isolated and consumed again.

How do you detoxify if you consumed marijuana once?

drink lots of water or juice but usually alcohol works the best

What are the most consumed liquids in the world?

semen and water

Would it be smart to drink salt water if no other water was around you?

nooo that would not be good. if too much salt water is consumed in your body, your body will shut down. it is not a good thing to drink salt water

How alcohol is consumed?

you drink it

How many cups of hot chocolate can you drink a day?

most I've consumed is about 32 cups