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Q: What is the mineral present in drinking water and toothpaste which helps to strengthen teeth enamel?
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Related questions

Which base is present in toothpaste?

The active ingredient of toothpaste is fluorine ions, which is not a base. Although there may be basic compounds added to toothpaste in order to make it a unique product according to the brands.

What are the common ions present in toothpaste?

Common ions present in toothpaste include fluoride (F-), calcium (Ca2+), phosphate (PO43-), and sodium (Na+). These ions help to strengthen tooth enamel, reduce plaque formation, and fight against tooth decay.

Where do you find fluoride on Earth?

Fluoride is commonly found in nature as the mineral fluorite (calcium fluoride). It is also present in certain rocks and minerals, as well as in bodies of water and soil. Additionally, fluoride is added to many dental products and drinking water for its oral health benefits.

Is mineral water healthier than tap water?

Yes, mineral water means the water is treated with accurate amount of permissible minerals are present in the packaged drinking water.

How does toothpaste prevent tooth decay?

which element present in our toothpaste protects out tooth from the tooth decay?

Why is propyleneglycol an ingredient in toothpaste in why is it only present in tiny amounts?

Propyleneglycol is used as wetting agent and surfactant in toothpaste.

What is Name of the common mineral salt present in seat?

The common mineral salt present in seawater is sodium chloride, or table salt. It is the most abundant mineral in seawater and gives the ocean its characteristic salty taste.

What are the elements and how many atoms does the toothpaste hae?

The elements present in toothpaste can vary, but common ingredients include fluorine, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The number of atoms in toothpaste would be a combination of these elements depending on the specific chemical composition of the toothpaste formula.

What are possible elements present in toothpaste?

Calcium and many others which i don't know

What is an accessory mineral?

An accessory mineral is a mineral present in small amounts in a rock, but not considered to be characteristic of the rock.

What is mineral present in your blood?


Which mineral is present in bones and teeth?
