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Q: What is the instrument called that heralds play?
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What type of instrument does a flautist play?

A wind instrument called a "flute".

Do australians play a woodwind instrument called a didgeridoo?

Australians play a very popular instrument that's in the woodwind family called the didgeridoo.

What is the instrument called that angles play?

a Harp

Name for Medieval trump announcer?

They were called heralds.

What is someone called if they play an musical instrument?

Usually, they are called a musician.

What is the instrument called that you play like a grater?

The spoons

An instrument that plays back recordings of sounds is called?

an instrument that can play back the recordings of the sound

How do you play an instrument on clubpenguin?

you play an instrument by wearing no clothes on your instrument and dance.sometimes wave to see wat happens!PS my penguin is called Blaze Jr2!hope i helped:D

What is the instrument little boots play?

It's called a tenori-on.

When was The Heralds created?

The Heralds was created in 1973.

What is the instrument called where you blow in a flute and play the tones with a piano?

It's called a Melodica.

If you play a string instrument with a bow it is called?

As distinct from pizzicato, which indicates that you are to play a string instrument such as a violin by plucking, the corresponding term for playing with a bow is arco.