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Q: What is the good and bad things about healthy drinks?
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Are frizzy drinks good for you?

Hey!Not all fizzy drinks are bad for you, but most are. Fizzy drinks such as soda, birch beer, or root beer are NOT good for you. But seltzer IS good for you.

Is it bad to drink an energy drink as a pick-me-up?

Energy drinks all around are not healthy for you.

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none. alcohol is bad

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by examining samples of, say, blood, and identifying the good and bad things in it

Why do people choose unhealthy things that taste bad over healthy things that taste good that are the same price?

Perhaps marketing. Also a pervasive belief that nutritious food does not taste good.

Is carbonation healthy?

I drink a lot of carbonated water. I heard the "fizzy" in the carbonated waters can deplete bones. Are carbonated water drinks bad for you?

Is it bad to drink lemonade when you have your period?

not as bad as it usually is to drink soft drinks. just stickk to water it is healthy and hydrating!

If good people always do good things and bad people always do bad things why does religion make good people do bad things?

Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.

Why are soft drinks considered bad for you?

Soft drinks being bad for you is a very popular myth, they are actually no worse than other drinks like apple juice. As with everything it is the amount consumed that makes the difference. That being said, high fructose corn syrup used in soft drinks is not as healthy as the natural sugars in juices.

Is too much of laughter good or bad?

Laughing is good and healthy for you.

Why are Energy Drinks bad?

they are not good for your health because they have too much caffine

Slim Jim healthy?

Of course slim jims are not healthy, they are so fattening with lots of bad things in them.