There are two fijian words used for the word "love".One is " loloma" which refers to non romantic love such as love for your mother,brother,friends,etc.Loloma is also used to describe compassionate love towards another person such as someone in need.The other is "dodomo" or "domoni" (verb) which refers to romantic love.It is used soley to describe love in romantic relationships.
To say "I love you" to your man or woman (romantically involved with) in Fijian would be " Au domoni iko" Ow dohmohnee eeco.DO NOT say this phrase to your Father,mother,neighbour or friends.That would be just weird.
Philip in Fijian is Filipe.
The Fijian word for swimming is Qalo. Pronouced ga-lo.
Fijian word for home is Vale. Pronounced - Var/Lay.
The fijian word for sandalwood is Vesi pronounced "Vay-See."
It means Hello in Fijian.
Fijian word for wedding is Vakamau. Pronounced ''Vah-Car-Mah-U"
The word big in Fijian would be Wai. This is not English.
The fijian word for family is:- Matavuvale. Pronounced = Mar/Tah/Voo/Vah/Leh
Sun in Fijian is called Siga. Pronounced as - Sing/ar
"Moce" prounced mothe a fijian C is pronounced TH.
The Fijian language doesn't have an "English meaning."