A Brandy Base is usually associated with cocktails.It is the base from which the cocktail is produced.Many cocktails have the same "added" ingredient's, but only alter by the base.For example: A gin and tonic has a gin base whereas a vodka tonic has a vodka base.A brandy tonic (if it exists) will have a brandy base.
Is there a Brandy called Eclipse?
It is called a TOT
Yes. It is usually just called "Brandy and Tea" or "Iced Tea Brandy"
Diluted Gin? That question does make any sense. If you mean What is Gin with tonic water then it is called a Gin and Tonic. Gin with tonic water and a lime slice with ice.
The tonic note of any diatonic scale is the first note (starting note) of the scale. In the case of G-flat major the tonic note is G-flat!
The Tonic
1. Tonic 2. Super tonic 3. Mediant 4. Sub-dominant 5. Dominant 6. Sub-mediant 7. Leading note 8. Tonic