It really depends on taste: some like ouzo, some like tequila, some like whiskey, some like vodka.
Bear in mind that drinking shots doesn't give you time to really enjoy the flavor of the drink, so it's pointless to spend a lot of money on a really good, for example, single-malt whiskey, if you're going to toss it down without taking time to savor it.
Mid- or lower-range quality liquors are best suited for shots.
Their are 39.22 shots in 1.75 liters of liquor .
Lighting liquor on fire makes the drink less strong. The flame is burning alcohol and weakening the drink. A common reason for lighting a shot ( other than the thrill ) is to carmelize sugar in the drink on the rim.
That depends on how good your Health Insurance is. But, yes, you will get very sick.
yes it will show.especailly if you drink lots of liquor and get drunk it'll show up
There are approximately 33.8 1-oz shots in a liter of liquor.
All liquor shots are gluten-free and also sodium, sugar, carb and fat-free.
A drink is only as good as its worst ingredient.
15 shots per 750 ml (Shot = 1.5 oz)
Yes they can drink .
Sometimes people drink too much liquor.