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Q: What is 1 natural resource used in Coca-Cola?
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What are the natural resources of the coastal plains of Texas?

Natural Resources in the Coastal Plains in Texas are:1. Oil2. Natural gas3. Petrochemicals4. Citrus5. Limestone6. *Cattle industry (not natural resource)7. *Technology and Education (not natural resource)As far as I know and learned, the first 5 top the list.

How many milliliters are in one liter of cocacola?

1 liter = 1000 mililiters 1 mililiter = 0.001 liter

What is the main natural resoarse of new zealand?

A temperate marine climate would have to be our #1 resource.

What are the natural resources of region 1-16 in the Philippines?

The natural resources of region includes rice, corn, vegetables and fruits generally. Limestone is another natural resource of region 1.

What resource make Africa important to the world economy?

1. Oil 2. Natural Gas 3. Metals 4. Gemstones

What is source of revenue?

Profits that are generated thru distubuting of products or services.

What is importance of resource conservation?

1) Resources decides the development of country in a way that country utilizing more resources is more powerful & more developed. 2)Rosources like coal,petrol,precious stones are limited & they will have to finish.

How do we use soil as natural resources?

1. You can grow food - agricultural usage. 2. You can mine it if something useful found underneath (oil, metals, etc.). If nothing, pretty much any land (subsoil) can be used as a building material (sand, clay (bricks), or stones/rocks)

Is nickel Canada's natural resource?

Yes. According to wikipedia, Canada is the world's fifth largest producer and produces about 1/10th of the world's supply.