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Not much will happen if you mix baking soda with water. If you mix it with vinegar something will happen. Vinegar is more acidic.

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Nothing happens when backing soda and sand are mixed. There is no reaction.

What happens when baking soda and club soda are mixed?

It will most likely make the substances bubble up a lot.

What type of reation is it when baking soda is mixed with soda?

Not as good as baking soda and vinegar!

Can Oil and baking soda mix?

Yes baking soda and oil can be mixed together,especially when baking.

What happens when baking soda and sodium chloride are mixed in water?

The concentration increases. Eventually, all of the water will evaporate leaving dry baking soda behind.

What happens when vinegar mixed with flour?

it turns into a doughy substance , but don't add baking soda and vinegar

Why does the baking soda move to the bottom when mixed with vinegar?

Baking Soda has a higher desity.

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Because there is probably vinegar in it.

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One might expect to experience quite a bit of stomach bloating and gas.

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When red cabbage juice is mixed with baking soda, a chemical reaction occurs. The baking soda is a base and reacts with the anthocyanins in the red cabbage juice, causing a color change. The mixture will turn blue or blue-green due to the change in pH.

What happened to the baking soda when it was mixed with the soda?

it blows up from a chemical reaction