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Pepto Bismol.

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Q: What drink make you throw up?
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Related questions

What foods can make you throw up?

mustard mixed with water will make you throw up

Will you throw up if you drink scotch?

Absolutely not. That is impossible.

What happens if you drink bacteria?

you throw up, and keep throwing up

How is water taken to space?

you have to drink it and then throw it up in bottles:)

How do you become a master of whiskey?

drink evry day until you throw up

Do bulimic people drink water before they throw up?

Often they do, yes.

How do you make snake throw up?

by scaring it. the snake will throw up what it just ate

Can you make yourself throw up?

Yes you can make yourself throw up. This unhealthy diet style is called bulimia. It is when you binge eat then purge./ you can put your finger in the back off your neck and u will throw up.

Why do you smoke more when you drink?

when you smoke and drink at the same time it makes you not need as much alcohol to get you drunk. the effects of the weed helps make you drunker faster and not have to drink as much. but if you smoke to much weed and drink at the same time you can actually die from it because to much weed in your system will not let your body throw up when it needs to throw up so if you drink way to much you need to get it out of your system and most people throw it up but if u cant throw it you, you can die from alcohol poisoning which would blow. so if you do smoke and drink at the same time dont go crazy with both keep it simple dont drink tell you pass out and dont smoke a ton of weed

What do you do to make your self bulimic?

It's easy, just make yourself throw up and watch the weight burn away. Drink allot of fluids before you throw up to make it easier. Saltwater works really well, and when you eat try to eat soft food like yogurt and bananas. Enjoy being thin.

Can you drink expired Emergen-C?

I wouldnt do it...I did once...made me repeditively throw up.

How do you make your webkinz throw up?

you can not