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Q: What does orange juice and milk have to do with photography?
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What has more calcium Milk or Orange Juice?

i think that orange juice is healthier than milk because it has calicium and potassium but has sugar and milk only has calcium and milk has fat Also orange juice has vitamin c but milk does not but if you were to have milk have goats milk because it is healthier

Does milk water or orange juice freeze faster?

Milk freezes faster than orange juice because milk has a lower water content than orange juice. The lower the water content, the faster a liquid will freeze.

Does orange juice work for the plastic milk experiment?

no. the plastic milk experiment uses the casein (a protein) in milk. This protein is not present in orange juice.

Can you substitute orange juice for milk in corn bread recipe?

No, orange juice is not a good substitute for milk. Orange juice has a different acidity (pH) than milk, and does not react in the same way as milk with the baking powder (or baking soda) in the corn bread ingredients.

How are milk and orange juice alike?

Milk and Orange Juice are similar in there binary chemical compound make up. Basically its equivalent to the Saha is greater then Toni principle. Basically Vince is a scrub who eats orange juice and milk and that's how there alike.

What freezes faster milk or orange juice?

Type your answer here... milk freezes faster because it has less sugar than orange juice does.

Calcium is used in what?

it is used in bananas, milk, Orange Juice, and many other things

Daily diet of calcium?

milk, orange juice

Which has more potassium 100 ml of milk or 100 ml of orange juice?

For the same serving size, the milk in my fridge has 510 mg and my orange juice has 430 mg. My milk has slightly more potassium. This may vary from brand to brand, but it seems that milk and orange juice have relatively similar amounts of potassium.

Which is more elastic milk or orange juice and why?

Orange juice is much more elastic than milk. First of all, it represents an insignificant part of the consumer's budget Secondly, it has a lot of close substitutes (IE. mango juice, etc.) On the contrary, there is no single substitute for milk, unless you want to dip cookies in orange juice, or cereal with mango juice.

What are 10 different liquids?

water milk lemon juice orange juice mango juice tea coffee coconut water watermelon juice chocolate milk shake

Does orange juce come from cows?

Orange Juice comes from Oranges, the fruit of the Orange tree. Milk comes from cows. Are you kidding me why would orange juice come from cows??!!