The word dregs is used to describe any liquid remnants that areleft behind in a container. The remnants may also include anysediment as well.
These remnants are considered waste or trash, and thus the word dregs refers to that which is undesirable in experience and in society.
what is the opt of dregs
The Dregs was created in 2001.
Some sort of loser; a person amongst the dregs of society.
Dixie Dregs was created in 1970.
Dregs of the Earth was created in 1980.
Night of the Living Dregs was created in 1978.
The term 'dregs' often defines the sediment found at the bottom of liquid. Similarly, it can describe the least valuable or bottom, such as 'the dregs of society'.
After making wine, the dregs left in the bottom of the barrel can be used as compost for the garden.
Dregs - 1913 was released on: USA: 16 August 1913
The cabin boy was ordered to empty out the dregs of yesterday's feast wine.Some people believe that people who wear tattoos or piercings will eventually end up as dregs of society due to bad influence.