CoffeeAM is a good company to buy bulk coffee beans from. They offer a large selection of different coffee beans from all different countries. They also offer coffee blends and decaf alternatives, all at a fair price. All the products are sold in five pound bags.
There are a great number of places to buy coffee beans online. One place that you can buy coffee beans as well as almost anything else you may want is on Amazon.
Coffee beans are coffee seeds. They help the plant by making new coffee plants. What you buy at the store is roasted coffee seeds.
Coffee Beans.
There are different places you can buy gourmet coffee beans you can go to their website and check them out, and you can also probably buy them at walmart or you discount stores
Several countries along the coffee belt. They all produce green coffee beans.
Coffee plants are grown and the beans are harvested and then roasted. The roasted beans can then be ground up and steeped in hot water to make coffee. Coffee is grown in many warm countries. It originated in Arabia.
I think it to mainly the richer countries like England or America
Kenya sells coffee beans to other countries
Wikipedia has a page about coffee varieties. I believe this will suit your need, as it seems to be one that actually lists all the type of coffee beans you could find.
Brewed coffee and regular coffee are the same thing.