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Yes when you cook the food the alcohol will burn off hence alcohol being flamable

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Q: What could happen if i just ate some Bacardi rum balls like 4 or 5 and i am not old enough to have alcohol will i be ok?
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Are kids allowed to eat Bacardi rum balls?

NO it has the word rum in it rum is liquor

When did Sticky Balls happen?

Sticky Balls happened in 2005.

When did Balls of Fury happen?

Balls of Fury happened in 2007.

When did Iggy's Reckin' Balls happen?

Iggy's Reckin' Balls happened in 1998.

What is a dry alcoholic?

An alcohol that doesn't mositurize your balls

how much money does my balls have?

I don't

What would happen in the 1600s if a village had no harvest?

suk my balls

Can you use field hockey balls in lacrosse?

No Field Hockey balls are too hard and are not bouncy enough for lacrosse.

Why do moth balls that is non polar dissolve in alcohol that is polar?

Although moth balls are non-polar, they can still dissolve in polar alcohol because of the principle "like dissolves like." This means that substances with similar polarities tend to mix well together. Even though there is a polarity difference, the interactions between the molecules of the moth balls and alcohol can still allow for dissolution.

Is there such thing as blue balls?

ya if you get hit hard enough.

What are the combinations that can be made from 39 balls if 6 balls are drawn at a time?

There are 3,262,623 combinations and I am not crazy enough to list them all.

Where can I find some Puerto Rican recipes?

I love Puerto Rican food, its some of my favorites and i will tell you some of my best dishes. Bacardi rum balls, Bollitas de Bacalao y Maiz and Yuca Bread.