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Coke Zero is sweetened with a combination of Aspartame and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). Coke Zero is the same basic formula as classic Coke while Diet Coke is a different formula completely. Diet Coke is sweetened with Aspartame only. There are unsubstantiated theories (at least by Coca Cola) that the unsuccessful release of Coke Two or new Coke was actually the formula for Diet Coke, just sweetened with the classic sugar combination.

Also, Coke Zero has 0.5 Calories per 100ml while Diet Coke, oddly enough, still contains one Calorie.

One other rationale for the Coca Cola release of Coke Zero is that men are reluctant to buy diet coke because of the association with dieting and women. Much of the marketing of Coke Zero in the US is directed toward men and activities often associated with masculinity.

On a side note, in many European countries and pan American/south American countries, Diet Coke is released as Coca Cola Light.= In any case, both Aspartame and Acesulfame are extremely toxic to the human body, which is why in spite of the ludicrous 'urban legend' claim, many food manufacturers now actually write on their products: 'Does not contain Aspartame'.

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Ewald Hermann

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Coke Zero is sweetened with a combination of aspartame and acesulfame potassium (Ace-K). Coke Zero is the same basic formula as classic Coke while Diet Coke is a different formula completely. Diet Coke is sweetened with aspartame only. There are unsubstantiated theories (at least by Coca Cola) that the unsuccessful release of Coke Two or new Coke was actually the formula for Diet Coke, just sweetened with the classic sugar combination.

Also, Coke Zero has 0.5 Calories per 100ml while Diet Coke, oddly enough, still contains one Calorie.

One other rationale for the Coca Cola release of Coke Zero is that men are reluctant to buy diet coke because of the association with dieting and women. Much of the marketing of Coke Zero in the US is directed toward men and activities often associated with masculinity.

On a side note, in many European countries and pan American/south American countries, Diet Coke is released as Coca Cola Light.= In any case, both Aspartame and Acesulfame are extremely toxic to the human body, which is why in spite of the ludicrous 'urban legend' claim, many food manufacturers now actually write on their products: 'Does not contain Aspartame'.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The benefits of Coca Cola Zero compared to regular Coca Cola are as follows: Coca Cola Zero has less calories, sugar, and caffeine. These are exceptionally good for people who are undergoing diet or cutting back on calorie and sugar intake.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Coke zero isn't necessarily better than regular or diet coke. The main difference between them is the sweetening agent (sugar or corn syrup or aspartame or Splenda). If your weight is not a problem than you don't neeed a diet drink, otherwise a diet drink may help.

Some people choose their drink by flavor preference as the different sweeteners impart specific flavors to the drink.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

there is no sugar in coke zero, but in diet coke there is only less sugar than in normal coke

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βˆ™ 3y ago
What a maroon.Β 

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βˆ™ 15y ago

nothing its a maketing device to get men to buy diet coke

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Coke Zero is better for you because it has 0 calories and zero sugars and carbs. Unlike Coke, which has 300 calories and a lot of sugars and carbs!!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

coke zero is actually bad for you because it means that it has zero calories but you need calories to helpfunction the body regularly

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Is there side effects of drinking to much coke zero?

fireball baby if pregnant but worse case death

Which erupts higher Diet Coke or coke zero?

coke zero definetly

How much grams of sugar is there in a coke zero?

A can of coke zero has OVER 9000 GRAMS OF SUGAR

Is it true that Coke Zero has more sugar than a regular Coke does?

No. Coke Zero has no calories, while regular Coke does.

How much Liters is Coke zero Large?

Coke zero Large is 1.5L Coke zero regular is 600ml+

Why is sprite zero pH different from that of sprite?

Sprite zero is an acid just as Coke or Coke Zero.

Is Coke better for you more than Coke Zero in health related?

coke zero is better because no sugar

What is coke zero?

Definitely coke always go original. Coke Zero. Get as few calories as possible. You might as well eliminate the calorie problem considering you're hurting your kidneys, bladder, ability to absorb sugar and tolerance for caffeine by drinking it.

How do you switch to Diet Coke?

You don't, diet anything is giving you a sugar replacement which is bad for you, Did you know your liver lives off of sugar and water, drinking diet coke is actually worse for you and your teeth and gums, just stick with coke, coke zero is fine it still has real sugar in it

How much sugar is in Coke zero?

None. Coca-Cola Zero is called that due to "Zero Calories, Same Taste". Having no calories, Coke Zero has no sugar.

Which is healthier Diet Coke or coke zero?

Well if you look on the back of the can it will tell you the calories and what it has inside it but its definitely coke zero because not only has it got zero calories it has zero caffeine and sodium

Is there preservatives in a can of coke?

No there are no preservatitves in regular coke. however in coke zero and diet coke there are.