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If you're referring to the beverage, the legal issues would those applicable to fitness for human consumption; that it will not contain contaminants or make people sick. The ethical issues would involve convincing the public to buy and consume a concoction of chemicals and think they're gaining some benefit. They sell the sizzle and the public buys it.

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Q: What are the Legal and Ethical Issues of Red Bull?
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Who sings the song on the red bull air race website for their video 2008 red bull highlight video?

Cosmic Ballroom - "Barely legal"

What is the legal dosage of red bull a day for a 14 year old?

No limit

Should a teen drink red bull?

There is no legal age to consume Red Bull, however, it is wise to limit your consumption.

What is the motto of Red Bull GmbH?

The motto of Red Bull GmbH is 'No Red Bull. No Wings.'.

What happens to kids who drink red bull?

Red bull has more caffeine and sugar than most kids should drink. They may get anxious, have behavioral issues, lack of sleep, upset stomachs and other side effects.

Why is bull sensitive to red color?

Red rag to a bull is a myth, as the bull is colour-blind to red. It is the the waving cape that causes the bull to charge.

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Where is the Red Bull Factory?

There is a red bull factory in Germany.

What is the pH of red bull?

The pH of Red Bull is 3.3.

Where can one view the Red Bull logo?

You can view the Red Bull Logo on the website - Energy drink (dot) Red Bull. At Wikipedia - Red Bull you can see the famous Red Bull Logo with two bulls butting heads also.

What are some non-alcoholic drinks that can be made using Red Bull as an ingredient?

Some non-alcoholic drinks that can be made using Red Bull as an ingredient include Red Bull mocktails, Red Bull slushies, and Red Bull smoothies.

Does Red Bull have bulls blood in it?

No; Red Bull energy drink does not contain bull's blood. Red Bull contains caffeine, taurine, vitamins, and alpine spring water.