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There are a lot of good charities and a lot of bad ones. A good charity is Alex's Lemonade Stand. The charity was started by a little girl who built a lemonade stand to help fund child cancer patients. You can also volunteer at your local food bank. Families need food year round, not just during the holidays so a food bank can use help any time.

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Q: What are some good charities to make a donation to?
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Where in Phoenix can someone find charities that accept a car as a donation?

There are many charities in Phoenix that accept cars as donations. Some examples of these charities include Phoenix Childrens, Donating Is Easy, and Action Donation.

What are some charities to donation?

He donated millions of dollars to kids with addict parents.

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Some good will charities include the Goodwill Organization, the I Have a Dream Foundation and the A Gift for Teaching organization. You can find a full listing of charities at the Charities Organization website.

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There are many charities which accept vehicles as a donation. There are many listed in various categories at the Donate Car USA website. Some charities include the Autism Society of America, the American Association of Cancer Support and the American Council of the Blind.

Where can one donate their car to charity?

One could donate their car to many charities. Some of these charities websites include: Cars For Breast Cancer, Vehicles for Charity, Donation Line, and Cars For Veterans.

Name something people donate to charity?

Money is probably the most common donation to most charities. Some charities specialize in accepting and distributing food or clothing or other particular items or services.

What are some good cancer charities to make donations to?

There are many good charities to make donations to for cancer research and such, but the best and easiest way, assuming you live in the United States, is to donate to the American Cancer Association, who will forward those funds for you.

What are some ideas for charitable gifts?

There are a number of different ideas out there for charitable gifts. If one does not want to just make a donation in another person's name, there are charities that allow you to "purchase", which in reality is fund, a particular animal.

What are some good names for charities?

Share Life, Missionaries of Charity, the Salvation Army.

What are some good charities to donate to and why?

Charities are a scam to get people's money and buy new shoes!

Are there any charities that collect school text books?

Yes! infact there are several charities that donate directly to poor people and if books are donated they use them for schools that are opened for the benefit of poor people all around the world. Some of these charities include vinnies, home charity buisness and donation helps.

Should you make a donation to the church when the Pastor performs a Baptism?

Yes it's always good to give some donation to the Church when the new born is Baptized. It's not a compulsion, but is highly appreciated.