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There is not an animal credited with the discovery of coffee. The person who is believed to have discovered coffee was Kaldi who was a goat herder.

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10y ago
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14y ago

There is a monkey that eats coffee beans when is ripe, when it excretes it becomes very very very valuable.

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13y ago

The rabbit has a sort-of coffee-bean-looking scat.

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6y ago

Well Actually Worms did. It May not be an Animal But it is true.

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14y ago

It is a plant..

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11y ago

Animals do not make coffee, plants do.

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15y ago


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Q: What animal discovered coffee?
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When was coffee discovered?


Which country was the first to discover coffee?

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia.

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Sheep eat coffee beans. That's how people discovered coffee beans.

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Singing in a coffee shop

Does coffee originate from Etihiopia?

Yes, it is likely that coffee arabica is native to the highlands of Ethiopia, where it was probably discovered.

What is the historical background of coffee?

It was discovered thousand years ago

When was the inventor of coffee born?

Coffee was discovered thousands of year ago. As such, the name of its inventor has been lost to antiquity.

What does coffee do to you in Animal Crossing?

Absolutely nothing.

Does coffee turn in to venom?

No. Venom is a toxin (poison) derived from animal sources, such as snake bite, insect sting. But coffee is the powder made from grinding a roast coffee bean. Coffee is clearly not animal in origin, it is not toxic, nor can it become toxic.

What animal was discovered first?

Some people say humans are not animals but we are.So humans were the first animal discovered!

Which popular fruit were first discovered in rainforests?

Avocados, bananas, coconut, and guava are some of the fruits first discovered in rainforests. Coffee and cocoa were also first discovered in rainforests.

Do coffee beans come from animal droppings?
