18 is the legal drinking age, but a lot of stores will not bother asking for an ID.
Yes, very illegal though i dont think you will get arrested for rubbing a finger soaked in whiskey over the gums of a teething baby, and i am sure that is not the modern approach to teething children also
Children can legally drink in many countries and very few prohibit it for persons 19 and 20 years of age.
The legal age to drink alcohol in the state of Kentucky is 21.
In France the age for buying alcohol is 16. In the UK it's 18 but 16 for beer or cider with a meal in a restaurant. Children over the age of 5 can drink alcohol in a private place with parental consent.
You may drink alcohol at home with adult supervision from the age of 5.
Eighteen is the minimum legal age to drink alcohol in Russia.
the age for legal alcohol drinking by students or children is different in each area. usually, the normal age if some child being allowed to drink ranges between 16 - 20 years.
No, you cannot drink alcohol in a restaurant with a parent in NSW with the persons who are under the age of 18.
yes, it is legal to drink alcohol if you are 17
Liquor stores. But you have to be a certain age to buy alcohol/drink alcohol. You need ID, a license, and money.
Alcohol is a Central Nervous System depressant. French children drink wine from an early age. Germans drink beer from an early age. If drunk in moderation it is not too harmful. However, in the USA teenagers get drivers licenses at a very early age - 15. The combination of youthful inexperience, alcohol and a motor vehicle coupled with raging testosterone in the case of a teenage male and then you have a LETHAL combination.