Some options for a relaxing drink that do not contain alcohol include herbal tea, Hot Chocolate, fruit smoothies, and sparkling water with fruit slices.
No, a soft drink usually means any drink that does not contain
What alcohol is worse on your body?
All alcoholic drinks contain the same kind of alcohol: ethanol
(C6H5OH). It is the amount of alcohol in the drink that matters,
not what kind of drink.
What type of alcohol does Coca-Cola have in it?
It doesn't contain any type of alcohol, it is a soft drink,
What can you do to prevent drunnkeness?
Don't drink.... find drinks that do not contain alcohol
"Hard" drinks contain alcohol. Anything without alcohol is a
soft drink.
What are different between wine and alcohol?
Wine is a product containing alcohol as is beer, but pure
alcohol is not a drink because you'd probably be dead the minute
you drink it if you're lucky. But alcoholic beverages contain
alcohol, but aren't 100% alcohol.