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Depends on the company doing the test and which test it was. Some of the less expensive tests tend to give false positives. Offer to pay for a retest and/or find out if any of the OTC or prescription drugs you are taking would be the cause of the problem.

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Q: Tested positive for coke did not use coke?
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not enless you use

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simply NOAnsweryes, it's a no.

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It means that you are pregnant.

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doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke doing coke

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If you have TB will blood tested be HIV positive?

No. It would be TB positive.

What if it tested positive for enzymes does that mean a tumor?

had 24 hour urine test proved positive for enzymes does that mean i have a tumor tested vma

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What steroid did ben Johnson use?

At the 1988 Games in Seoul, Johnson's urine tested positive for stanozolol, also known as winstrol.