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The USA Carolina in 1898

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Q: Pepsi originated from which country?
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What are product of pepsi?

Fanta products are originated from the pepsi company

Is Pepsi a product of Denmark?

No, if you mean the drinking kind, its originated in Japan.

Which came first Coca-Cola or Pepsi-Cola?

Coca cola originated in 1885, Pepsi Cola was first produced in the 1890's

What country is the can can originated?

It was originated in France.

What country does Pepsi come from?

The USA.

Which country originated acupuncture?

it originated in Hawaii

What country invented diet Pepsi?


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Volkswagen originated in Germany.

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The Bullmastiff originated from England.

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The Stabyhoun originated from the Netherlands.

In which country originated opera?

Opera originated in Italy.