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quite a few actually. There are several desert dwelling animals, moslty reptiles and small rodents that can get by solely on the moisture in their diets

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13y ago

All animals need to drink water to survive. Even fish drink water. Camels can go a while without drinking water, but not a year.

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Q: Is there any animal that can live 3 months without drinking water?
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Which animal life longer without drinking water?


What habitant can survive more than 3 months without drinking water?

The kangaroo rat.

Can camels go 2 months without drinking in cooler weather?

No. They can only go up for two weeks without Water.

How long can a cockroach live whit out eating?

3 months without eating food and 1 month without drinking water.

How can animals live with out water?

No animals can live without water. Some animals can go long periods of time with out water like camels but no animal can go their whole life without drinking any water at all.

What desert animal can live without water?

A few such animals, such as the kangaroo rat of the North American Deserts, can go its entire life without drinking water as they are able to extract what they need from the digestion of foods they eat.

Which animal covers great distances without water?

The animal you're referring to is probably the camel. They can travel for days without needing a drink.

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What animal recycles water from food it eats in the desert?

The best known example is the kangaroo rat which can go its entire life without drinking liquid water.

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What is the term potable water synonymous with?

The term 'potable water' is synonymous with drinking water. Drinking water is pure and can be consumed without harm. You can learn more about drinking water online at the Wikipedia website.

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