The liquor licence in Puerto Rico is renewed yearly and its attached to the person unlike in the States wich is attached to the venue. The cost of the liquor licence depends on the revenue of the establishment. But when you first get the licence you pay an estamated amount based on projected sales.
It repeals the 18th amendment, which bans all liquor.
Jake burton
For a first person shooter, it would have to be Doom. but the best third person series would have to be resident evil
modern warfare cod
The first amendment contains the establishment clause
Jesus. Out of water.
As the head of a school or other educational organisation, he/she is the person of first importance to direct the events, actions or organisation of the establishment. The person primarily liable to fulfill the obligations of an educational institution
Officially, the first establishment clause was enacted in 1947, but there is debate over whether or not to include the Establishment clause as part of the 14th Amendment in 1868 or as part of the original Bill of Rights.
It's 2000 dollars I passed the same course