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Yes it is safe. if the bottle is well sealed. If you boil the water first killing many micro organisms and bacteria and store in a sterilized bottle it will keep in definitely. Do not reuse plastic store water bottles as they leach harmful chemicals. Glass is probably best.

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11y ago

That, of course, depends on which bottles water and which tap water.

In general, tap water is held to higher regulatory standards than bottled water so the answer is usually no. Most bottled water is not fortified withfluorideso drinking it rate than tap water can be detrimental to your teeth. Also, some plastics leach chemicals that can be bad for your health.

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11y ago

In theory, yes, bottled water is said to be safer to drink than tap water. Bottled water has been specifically purified so that it is safe for all to consume. In some parts of the world, tap water is not safe to drink as it may be contaminated.

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14y ago

very safe

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Q: Is it safer to drink botteled water than tap water?
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