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I don`t know go ask your mom!

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Q: Is drinking apple juice the same as eating an apple?
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Can you substitute apple cider for apple juice?

In the United States, they're the same thing: they're both apple juice. What's labeled "apple juice" has been processed to remove the cloudiness. The only difference is appearance.

Is eating grapefruit the same as drinking grapefruit juice when taking lipitor eg half a grapefruit a day?

Studies up to now show that the juice and the fruit have both a significant interaction with some drugs (including lipitor).

Does a pear contains more juice than an apple?

If they weigh the same then they have the same amount of juice.

Is apple juice good if have diarrhea?

I get the worst diarrhea when I have a 8 oz. cup of apple juice. It may just be me, but my doctor says that it has to do with your pancreas and digestive system. Test it out & drink a much as you can to see your limit! Make sure you have a free day ahead!

Is it better to eat hot food or cold food when your have a sore throat?

Eat only hot foods.All doctors tell me the same thing.Sometimes eating cold food can lead to sore throat.I know this because i have this condition .

Has anyone ever gotten an allergic reaction to apple juice?

My nine year-old daughter had a very bad allergic reaction last summer. By the time we made it to the hospital, she was completely covered in hives and her arms were beginning to swell. She swore it was the apple juice she had just drank, but I didn't see how that could be possible. However, last night at my father's, he gave her apple juice without thinking, and the same reaction happened again. This whole thing doesn't make sense to me. The juice she was drinking was organic, and unless the packaging information is false, is supposedly 100% apple juice. Anyway, we are waiting for an appointment to a specialist, and hoping to get to the bottom of this...

Can you get drunk or high off of lemon juice?

yes after scientific tests it has showed you absoulutly can so if your not over 21 this is not for you.

What happens when you an egg in apple juice?

I just did an experiment for school on this. The egg does not expand, it stays the same. The egg also turns a yellowish color. There are other things, but I don't know if they are because of the apple juice or the other liquids i did before the apple juice.

Does drinking plain lemon juice with out water do the same as drinking mixed with water?

Plain lemon juice is a fruit juice, albeit rather acidic like grapefruit juice. It does not count as water. Sucking on lemons can actually deteriorate the enamel of ones teeth. The benefits are very similar to grapefruit juice.

Is drinking other liquid like fruits juice the same as drinking pure water?

No. Pure water does not have the sugars and nutrients that fruit juices contain.

Is one half equal to two quarters?

Yes, if you eat half an apple it is the same as eating two quarters of an apple.