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Yes the country of Fiji is an archipelago. it is made up of over 332 islands and is located in the South Pacific Ocean.

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Q: Is Fiji an archipeligo
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What is one archipeligo?

One example of an archipelago is the Hawaiian Islands, which consist of a chain of volcanic islands in the central Pacific Ocean.

The three types of pacific islands are?

atoll, volcanic, and archipeligo

What are archipeligos?

An archipeligo is a small island usually with reeds or such plants covering it. Commonly found in Stockholm, Sweden.

How do you spell archipeligo?

The correct spelling is archipelago, a group of islands in a chain or country.

What was the Fiji's name before it was actually named Fiji?

FIJI has foe ever been FIJI

What is Fiji's official name?

Republic of the Fiji IslandsThe Sovereign Republic of the Fiji Islands.

How many countries do Fiji have?

There is only one country in Fiji: Fiji.

What is Fiji's continent located on?

Fiji is located in Australasia

Is Hawaii made up of 132 islands?

Uhh...No, it's 8 and there is a 9th submerged in the ocean. Maybe your thinking of the Polynesian archipeligo.

What kind of money does Fiji use?

Fiji uses the Fiji Dollar, although the Australian Dollar is widely accepted _______________________________________________ Fiji is a country of its own with its own jurisdiction and legislation. Fiji uses the Fiji Dollar. $1.00=100cents. Fiji monetary unit is $FJD

Is Fiji a continental?

No Fiji is not a continent. Fiji falls under the Australian continent.