human being do have the right to drink water but can only have their fair share of water. but because there are people in this world that are greedy water is not distributed fairly between countries leaving some counteries without water at all for months on end.
because they had to drink it.
The most healthy drink is water. Water is the gateway to the rest of your body and it keeps you hydrated. It is very important to drink plenty of water.
It is important to drink water to keep hydrated. The human body is mostly water, so it is necessary to drink enough water to stay healthy.
Yes, rabbits can drink water from a bowl. It is important to provide fresh water daily to ensure their hydration.
It is important because you may dehydrate it is very important so if the temp. is like 100-140 be sure to keep cool and drink lot's of water.
It contains fresh water, which humans can drink
to plant crops and drink water
To maintain homeostasis.
u dont have to drink large amounts of water at once but it is important that u do drink water becuase ur body loses water all the time and u need to put that water back in
Yes, any water that has been boiled is very safe to drink. It is important to let the water cool down; do not try to drink water that is still boiling.