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It was not founded.The last heavenly book the Qur'an was revealed to the last Prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) who lived in Makka in Saudi Arabia.

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Well Islam is in every part of the world. You will find the most populations in Africa and the Middle East. Along with somewhat America.

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Saudi Arabia.

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Q: In the region of which modern-day country did Islam originate?
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Islam is a religion, not a country, so that would differ by region; however, most of them do not eat meats.

Where di Islam originate?

in makkah

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In whatcountry did Islam originate?

Islam originated in present day Saudi Arabia...the main city was Mecca.

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What city country and region did the religion Islam start in?

Makka (Mecca) city of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in Arabian peninsula., in 610AD.

Islam is most practice in what country or region?

Islam is most practiced in the Middle East, in countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Egypt. Indonesia, located in Southeast Asia, has the largest Muslim population in the world.