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waiting sevral hours

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Q: If you have had several beers before driving the effects of alcohol will be reduced only by?
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If you have had several beers before driving the effects of alcohol will be reduced only be?

waiting sevral hours

The effect too much alcohol have on your body?

what effects can happen from alcohol abuse after several years?

What does drinking do to you as a person?

Drinking alcohol does several things to a person. The alcohol can have dire effects on a persons brains and ability to function. Alcohol can also make some people gain weight.

A shy person who drinks several alcoholic beverages at a party and becomes very loud and social is experiencing the effects of?

Reduced inhibition and judgment.

What are the effects of excessive alcohol consumption?

Weakened joints

What negative symptoms can one notice when mixing antibiotics and alcohol?

Drinking alcohol whilst undergoing a course of antibiotic treatment can have several negative effects. These include sickness and diarrhoea, drowsiness and dizziness.

What are the consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol?

A jail sentence of up to five years and fine of up to five thousand pounds. Also you may be banned from driving for several months or years and have a criminal record for life.

What are side effects of dichloralphenazone?

Dichaloralphenazone may cause drowsiness and sleepiness for several hours. Extreme caution should be used when driving or operating machinery.

How long does it take for alcohol to reach the brain and begin its effect?

Alcohol can reach the brain within minutes of consumption, as it quickly enters the bloodstream through the stomach and small intestine. Its effects typically begin to be felt within 10-30 minutes after consumption, depending on factors such as the individual's metabolism and how much they have consumed.

Why do you smell hot plastic when you get out of your car after driving several miles?

because your car burns alot of petrol after driving several miles

Is alcohol in cleaning products?

Alcohol is used in several cleaning products. Methylated Spirits is one of them

Where can you get effects?

Several movie maker programs on PC's and Mac's offer special effects.