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Q: I am determining reducing sugar by DNS method to optimize enzyme concentration for rice wine preparation.problem arose when absorbance increase then decrease when enzyme concentration increased.why di?
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Is there a simple equation to calculate the concentration given the absorbance and a time?

You need a graphic concentration versus absorbance.

What other experiments would a spectophotometer would be useful?

A spectrophotometer would be useful in experiments involving determining the concentration of a solution by measuring its absorbance, studying the kinetics of enzyme reactions by monitoring changes in absorbance over time, and identifying unknown substances by comparing their absorbance spectra to known compounds.

True or false As the concentration of a colored solution increases the absorbance value decreases?

False. As the concentration of a colored solution increases, the absorbance value typically increases.

What does the value of absorbance on a spectrophotometer mean?

Absorbance on a spectrophotometer is a measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at a specific wavelength. It provides information on the concentration of a substance in the sample since absorbance is directly proportional to concentration according to the Beer-Lambert law. A higher absorbance indicates greater absorption of light, which can be used to quantify the concentration of the absorbing species in the sample.

What is absorbance vs concentration?

Absorbance is a measure of the amount of light absorbed by a sample at a specific wavelength, typically measured using a spectrophotometer. Concentration is the amount of a substance present in a unit volume of a solution, often expressed in moles per liter (M). The relationship between absorbance and concentration is governed by Beer's Law, which states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration and path length.

The absorbance of a solution of NiCl2 of unknown concentration is found to be 0.388 what is the concentration of this soultion?

The concentration of the NiCl2 solution can be determined by using Beer's Law, which states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. You would need to know the molar absorptivity of NiCl2 at that specific wavelength in order to calculate the concentration. Plugging in the values of absorbance and molar absorptivity into Beer's Law equation would give you the concentration of the NiCl2 solution.

What is the formula on how to find starch in water?

To find the concentration of starch in water, you can use a spectrophotometric method by measuring the absorbance of the solution at a specific wavelength. Prepare a standard curve using known concentrations of starch solutions to correlate absorbance with concentration. Then, measure the absorbance of your sample and use the standard curve to determine the starch concentration.

What is difference between specific absorbance and absorbance interms of spectroscopy?

specific absorbance- it is absorbance in a solution containing one gm of substance in 100 ml solvent in 1cm shell. so it is having a difference with absorbance which is negative logarithm of incident light to the transmitted light.

Why you use wavelength of 680nm to find absorbance of glucose?

Glucose absorbs light at a specific wavelength of 680nm due to its chemical structure. By measuring the absorbance of glucose at 680nm, we can quantitatively determine the concentration of glucose in a sample through the Beer-Lambert Law, which relates absorbance to concentration.

What is peak absorbance?

Peak absorbance refers to the wavelength at which a substance absorbs light most strongly. It is commonly used in spectrophotometry to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution by measuring the absorbance at its peak wavelength.

Why should the y intersect of any Beer's law plot equal zero?

The y-intercept of a Beer's law plot should equal zero because at zero concentration of the analyte, there should be zero absorbance. This is because Beer's law states that absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. If the y-intercept is not zero, it suggests a systematic error in the data or instrument calibration.

What is the formula that use to calculate the concentration of glucose in blood by the principle of Beer-Lambert law and application of glucose oxidase?

To calculate the concentration of glucose in blood using the Beer-Lambert law principle and glucose oxidase, you would typically measure the absorbance of a glucose solution with a spectrophotometer at a specific wavelength. The formula to calculate the concentration of glucose is: Glucose concentration (mg/dL) = (Absorbance - intercept) / slope Where the slope and intercept are obtained from a calibration curve using known concentrations of glucose.