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If you stop eating, your body will go into "survivor mode" & will start to shutdown & you will not lose any weight. Weight lose needs to be done safely over a reasonable period of time ( months ). A proper diet & exercise is the best way to lose weight. You will not see a significant lose in just 5 days.

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Q: How much weight will I loose in a 5 day fast I am 5 feet 1 in. and weigh 150 lb. How much weight would I loose if I didn't eat anything but drink water in 5 days?
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Why do people drink vinegar?

maily to loose weight!

Can you drink soda and lose weight?

There is no diet where you drink soda to loose fat. Usually empty sugars are bad for weight loss.

What is something active you can do when you are bored?

Drink a soda and watch you-tube videos all day. You will loose weight in no time!

How much weight will you lose a day if you only drink tea?

you will not loose eny weight you will just not put enough calories into your bodie you will only loose weight if you exorcise and eat healthy you may get skinier but you will become inimic and your bowles will not work if you do this for a long time.

What does word diet mean?

It is food and drink in general, It can also mean a regulated amount of food so as to loose weight

Do you have to drink water to be properly hydrated?

Yes.One thing you can drink is Powerade. You can also drink Gatorade.

Why is weight loss good?

wieght loose is good because you can eat anything and you keep fit and healthy

How much weight do you lose when you excrete waste?

Well that depends on how much you poop. But in real life you don't really loose anything since you keep adding more in order to survive. You have to eat or you'll die. Too loose weight you have to loose fat.

Does marching band help you lose weight?

Yes, it might. I mean, you won't loose like 20 pounds or anything, you might loose up to 5. When I was in marching band, I lost some weight, AND I got a tan. =)

Are calories in a soda pop good for you?

No not most of them but there might be some materials that are good. If ur trying to loose weight drink water and exrasize

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so they didnt loose the war

How much weight do you loose when you start your period if you are over 100 pounds?

You are not guarenteed to lose weight on your perio regardless of what you currently weight. If anything, girls tend to gain weight as they bloat or retain some water weight during their periods.