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Q: How much sugar does a super size soda have?
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How much sugar is in a half gallon of soda?

how much sugar is in a half gallon of soda

Is 7 teaspoons of sugar in a can of soda high in sugar?

Yes it is very high having that much sugar in soda is like having that much in tea.

Data chart of suar on one can of soda?

The amount of sugar will depend on the size of the soda. In a 12oz can there is 39g of sugar and 140 calories.

How much sugar is in that double gulp soda?

Too much...

How much faster will you lose weight if give up sugar and soda?

Much faster. Sugar and Soda may taste good but are only empty calories.

Does sugar sweeten foods?

Depends on how much sugar. With soda, yes. With candy, no.

What type of soda has more sugar brand x brand y or band z what is the dependent variable?

IV: Amount of Sugar DV: The Soda CV: How much sugar is in the soda

How much luquid is in a can of soda?

12 oz. is a normal size of soda

How much sugar is in creaming soda?

approximately 8 teaspoons

How much sugar is in a three liter of soda?

12 cups

Is it true that if you have Fanta too much you get cancer?

Fanta is a soda. If you drink too much soda, you might get diabetes from all that sugar. It can also be bad for your teeth. Try drinking water instead of such high calorie, sugar laden soda.

How much sugar does diet Mountain Dew have in it?

Diet soda doesn't have sugar. It has sugar substitute like nutrasweet or aspartame.