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Depending on how old the Club Whiskey by Hiram Walker and Sons bottle is that you have, prices range from $161 USD up to $303 USD.

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what is the value of a Canadian club 4/5 qt. with original wood box limited edition never open from 1964-67 I have 1 or more

( Don

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10y ago

In Germany you can get one for 125�. That would be ~168$.

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12y ago

I've had a bottle some time in my day, sharing with a group of mates in a nice bar....and I can't quite remember but i'd say roughly $235 if you get a good deal

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Q: How much is an unopened bottle of imported Canadian Club whiskey by hiram walker and sons limited worth?
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I am not sure on value but whiskey does not age on the bottle... it taste tge same as they day it was bottled sorry

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I have one from 1965 and wondering the same

What is the Best Canadian whiskey in the world?

"Best" is a purely subjective judgment. Everyone's "best" is different. Canadian Club is the largest selling Canadian whiskey, though.

How does Canadian Club differ from other brands of whiskey?

Canadian Club Whiskey is different from the other forms of whiskey because it is matured in the barrel for longer before being bottled. They say that this gives it a cleaner and purer taste.

What are the classifications of whiskey?

Generally whisk(e)y classifications are by region and have disctintive flavor profiles. Scotch whisky is one of them, and there are different flavor profiles according to the specific region of Scotland where it's produced. Others include Irish whiskey, American whiskey (may not be limited to Bourbon and Tennessee whiskey), Canadian whiskey, and Asian whiskies (in particular to Taiwanese and Japanese whiskies).

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How many calories in one shot of Canadian club?

There are 69 calories per 1oz of Canadian Club

Is whiskey in 50 year old unopened bottles of Seagram Seven whiskey still good to comsume?

Yes ,But it is not as good . I would drink it just to see what it is like .