70 dollars
0.01$ for every year, so it would be worth 0.25$
It is worth nothing.
Ten dollars
couple hundred maybe one thousand.:)
Based on collections of Presidential Candidate memorabilia, a 20-34 year old uncorked bottle of his wine should go for $850. Based on current availability, likeability, and popularity. Just the bottle may bring as much as $300. And for those lucky enough to have a signed bottle...$1600!
how much does a bottle of 30 year old bottle of jack daniels whiskey sour mash cost
It depends on the year the older the coke the more it's worth.
. Priceless, to some very rich collectors I would assume that it would fetch a real $10,000 without too much hassle. Do you have a bottle? Please post pictures
Average bottle of 78' from 235$ to 300$ depending how long it was aged before the year.....check the back of the bottle anything 8-10years aged is about 300$, 4-6 years is like 250-265$, and anything less is about 235$...hope this helped