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Q: How much carbon dioxide is in a 2 liter of coke sprite root beer and pepsi?
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What kind of gas is in sprite pepsi cola and mountain dew?

The gas in Sprite, Pepsi, and Cola is typically carbon dioxide, which provides the carbonation or fizz in the drinks. Mountain Dew also contains carbon dioxide, along with additional ingredients for its unique flavor.

Does diet Pepsi lose its' carbon dioxide before regular Pepsi?


Which soda has the more fizz sprite or pepsi?

sprite and pepsi

Is there more carbon dioxide in Pepsi or 7up?

There is typically more carbon dioxide in 7Up compared to Pepsi as 7Up is a type of carbonated soft drink with a higher level of added carbonation.

What percent of carbon-dioxide does pepsi have?

Pepsi-Max: 1.3417% Pepsi: 0.4532% Difference occurs as Pepsi is more dense than Pepsi max and so therefore it has more soluble compounds and ions in it that affect the amount of carbon dioxide that can dissolve in it.

Is Sprite a Pepsi Cola product?

no sprite is not a pepsi cola product

What types of gas are in Pepsi?

The gas inside Pepsi is carbon dioxide.

Why does sprite fizz up more than pepsi?

why sprite fizzs up more than pepsi is because sprite has more carbination in it then pepsi

When you freeze a pepsi why does it lose its fizz?

The gas carbon dioxide

What soda fizzes more pepsi or sprite?

Pepsi = not soda Neither is Sprite. They're pop!

What drink is more tasty Sprite or Pepsi?

This is an opinionated question, so I'll say the straight up facts. Sprite has no caffeine while pepsi does. But I think sprite is best. That is because I drink it more often.

Would pepsi or Diet Coke make the bigger explosion?

Sprite because: When we did an experiment and put helium balloons on the top of the bottles the sprite had the biggest balloon! (meaning that Sprite had more carbonation and, when Mentos came in contact with the carbonated liquid, breaking surface tension of dissolved bubbles of carbon dioxide, it resulted in more carbon dioxide being released from Sprite than from Diet Coke)