A ton! that's why when kids drink it they get crazy, start riots, and then they get into drugs and start killing people, it's bad stuff! that's why you should drink Coke
My professor said, Vino Kulafu contain 70% of alcohol.
A standard 12 oz can of Pepsi contains approximately 9-10 sugar cubes worth of sugar.
Any amount of alcohol is too much.
It has 5% alcohol (about 0.60 oz. of absolute alcohol).
Pepsi uses a large amount of carbonic acid and a small amount of phosphoric acid. This helps mask the strong taste of sugar.
Gum typically contains a negligible amount of alcohol, if any at all. Any alcohol content in gum would be minimal and primarily used as a flavoring or preservative in the ingredients. It is not a significant source of alcohol consumption.
toothpaste contains alcohol!!?? *throws away all the tubes of toothpastes immediatley*
Hmm, good question. Possibly, yes! Although you would have to drink a very large amount of Pepsi to do that I think!
to make a 40% alcohol
How much alcohol (liquor).