There is 4.2% alcohol content in Bud Light
In a regular serving of Bud Light there is 4.2% alcohol while regular Budweiser is 5.0% alcohol. Currently, the lightest amount of alcohol in a Budweiser product is in a Bud Ice Light as it's only .1% less than a Bud Light at 4.1% alcohol.
Bud is 5% Bud Light is 4.2%
Bud Light is 4.2% alcohol by volume.
Bud Light is 4.2% alcohol by volume.
The alcohol content of Bud Light is 6%. Bud Light Platinum - 6.0% Alcohol Content. 137 Calories. 4.4 Carbs.
What's alcohol percent in bud light in Minnesota
Bud Light is 4.2% alc, most light beers are between 4.0% and 5%.
Keystone light has about 4.2 % alcohol and Bud Light has about 3.88 % alcohol
No, Bud Light is a beer. Alcohol is a "downer" or something that reduces energy levels.