There is not any cholesterol in Miller Lite or any beer for that matter.
around 85.00 bucks for Miller Lite as of 2012.
Achcol is Beer and can get you drunk. What drunk means is you will not remember anything. Sometimes you will not remember you name. Achcol comes in Bud Light, Miller Lite, Coors Lite and much, much, much, much more. Please don't do it!
64 grams
yes because it doesnt blaot you as much as normal high alcohol beer eg. castle lite vs castle
Yes, any product made with grains such as barley, wheat, and rye contains gluten. All beer is made with barley, and several others are made with wheat and rye. Therefore, unless a beer specifically states that it is gluten free, you should assume that it is not.
As much as someone is willing to pay for it
There is no salt (sodium) in Coors Lite beer.
Typically zero, or very close to it. The yeast converts all of the priming sugar into alcohol during the fermentation process. As long as alcohol is present, sugar shouldn't be.
how much alcohol does miller genuine draft light have?
89.99 @ HEB